Friday, March 29, 2013

9 months

9 months old is definitely Rhys's go getter month! He's learned to crawl, sit from crawling, stand from sitting, clap (my favorite) and has teeth for the first time! They are barely there but there's 3 of them all of the sudden!
He's such a fun, happy boy. He's so smart and fast and curious about every texture. My favorite thing right now is all of the sudden I'll see him speed across the room and when he gets to his 'destination' it's usually a small piece of string or tiny rock he's after. How precious. I love that he notices things like that. My other favorite thing he does is cross his ankles when sitting haha I love it. So proper.  Now pretty much every time I go in after his naps he's standing up laughing. It's hard to put him down at night tho because he just wants to stand up! But we'll get there.  Love this boy and CANNOT wait for it to be warm out all of the time so we can go swimming and swinging!
love rhys's toes and sam's face in this picture hehe

8 months

6 months

 duffy the bear + rhys

Sunday, November 18, 2012

5 months

Lately I've taken a ton of photos but haven't had the time to mess with them, so here's a compilation of Rhys for the past month or so (and us). If you can't tell by all of the photos we take of him constantly (ha) we are so in love with him. He's such a fun and happy baby.  I just cant imagine our lives without him.
Anyway, here's my baby :)    

Monday, September 24, 2012

Vacation to the Carolinas

So we attempted a trip to the Carolinas with Rhys..and it was a success! Yes it was difficult in ways, especially when he got the worst diaper rash I've ever seen but it refreshed us and that's what we went for. I had a blast with Kyle and Rhys. Getting to spend that much time with Kyle was so great. You just get a new appreciation for eachother and when you're new parents and the focus is your baby, you need that! It was just fun having all three of us together all of the time. I ended up trading photography to get some killer places and deals. I'll be featuring these places on my photo blog ( so there will be more photos to see. This trip is exactly what I needed. Life has been good, but for the past few months, maybe with all of the life changes of becoming a mom and whatnot, I think I lost my sense of self for a while. And for me, nature just brings it all back. Letting the waves crash over me and driving through the mountains just restored me. I didn't get to take as many pictures as I wanted because of having my hands full with Rhys, but I wish you could see downtown Charleston. Such a charming city. It's so historic and fun! We loved it. Also Asheville was great. Again a cool downtown but the drive through the Blue Ridge Parkway was incredible. Anyway, enjoy. This was Rhys' first trip to the ocean and our first family vaca...